+88 01711287018 (Only for TAX, VAT & Company Law Matters) sumon@masnla.com

General Services

Maintaining excellent legal health of a corporate body we, at M. A. SUMON & LAW ASSOCIATES, provide all the required legal assistance and comprehensive advice as below:
1. Contract Management
2. Contracts and Tenders
3. Commercial Contracts
4. Vetting
5. Verification & Documentation
6. MOU
7. Accounting Consultancy

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The Rules of the Bar Council of Bangladesh that govern our professional practice do not permit solicitation or advertisement.
It is therefore re-iterated:
• There has been no advertisement, personal communication, solicitation, invitation or any other inducement of any sort whatsoever by or on behalf of M. A. SUMON & LAW ASSOCIATES  or any of its members to solicit any work through this website.

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